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By means of this action, Europe Direct Forlì aims to make aware the young generations of the Forli – Cesena Province about the European Union decision making processes in order to encourage a wider interest and participation to the European political debate on those issues that more affects everyday life of the young European citizens. In particular, by running this action Europe Direct Forlì aims to:

   1. Improve the knowledge of the role and functioning of the European institutions and of the European Parliament in particular among the young students involved in the action;
  2. Strengthen their interest on the European political debate in order to raise an active citizenship and enhance their participation;
  3. Make aware the young students of the Forlì- Cesena Province of the European decision making process.

Throught our project we aim to answer to the need for specific learning outcomes in the field of European Union institutions and affairs as requested by local schools in the past years.

A selection of students will experience simulations of Parliamentary Assembly with activities that reproduce the mechanisms of parliamentary debate on Environment politics and equal opportunities. The competition will enhance interests on European Parliament activities and will stimulate their creativity on this theme. In general all the proposed activities will make aware the target group involved in the action of the role and functions of the European Parliament, promoting a live debate.

Young people and European Parliament: How to get involved

The public competition is opened to the schools of the Forlì- Cesena Province and to all the schools linked to them through the Comenius network. The works presented for the competition could be voted by the students directly by this web site. The involvement of European schools in the competition will let Italian student work together with other students from different Member States. The competition will encourage those works that have been produced in collaboration with foreign educational establishments.

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Copyright 2009 Punto Europa - Sviluppato da Paolo Burgio - mail:

PuntoEuropa .it è sviluppato seguendo i più recenti standard del W3 e nel rispetto dell'accessibilità
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