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Jean Monnet Module

The European Integration Process and the transatlantic relationship

Giuliana Laschi e Alessandra Bitumi

This project is intended to provide students and people interested in the field with the opportunity to dwell on the study of the European integration history taking into consideration not only the internal dimension of the EC/EU but also the intricacy of its external standing in a complex and interdependent world. However, rather than offering an overall picture, the goal is to focus on the “special relationship” with the US. The dilemma of the transatlantic connection has been a key issue in the pursuit of a distinct international dimension for the EC, that has conditioned the development of its external relations as well as its internal debate on the specificity of a “European identity”.  Through the in-depth analysis of the evolution of such a relation, one can both tell the story of the pivotal Atlantic alliance as well as retrace the expanding perimeters of the external dimension of the EU.
Over a span of three years, the aim is to conduct research and disseminate knowledge through teaching activities, organization of events (conferences, seminars), a website and publications, which will enhance the general awareness on the topic both in the academic context and among civil society.
The teaching module will be held by PhD Alessandra Bitumi and it will improve European courses for bachelor students.

Given the contentious and overlapping issues that will be debated, the impact envisaged is likely to be high and broad, reaching out to a wide range of interlocutors at different level of specialization.

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