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Jean Monnet Chair ad personam

The History of the European Integration

Giuliana Laschi

In line with the research and teaching activities carried out in the framework of the Jean Monnet chair (2005-2010), Prof. Laschi has delivered evidence of a high level international teaching (EU and extra-EU), in publication records and organising several reflection activities targeting academic context, students and civil society. Being the president of the Scientific Committee of the Europe Direct Punto Europa Forlì, she will continue on exploit her role for implementing a large number of information and awareness activities and event. The JM chair Ad personam will let her pursue the mission of spreading knowledge on EU integration in particular in the Forli Campus, and more in general a wider at national and international context.

The activities foreseen in the three years include research, teaching and the organisation of several events (conferences, seminars, simulation activities, study visits, training courses) and outputs (website, book, DVD, brochures) aimed at enhance knowledge on EU studies in the academic context and among civil society.
Research will focus on the history of external relation. Historiography studies are at a starting point even if  external relations are at the centre of debating in political studies since the last decade. Through the chair, an historical investigation will be carried out in this direction, involving at different levels and stages, BA, MA, Phd students and several high values professors in a dynamic international framework.
This action aims at spreading knowledge about EU integration both at academic and civil society level. Moreover the high importance of the theme of research, an impact in the international academic community is envisaged.


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