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Jean Monnet Chair

The European Communities and Migration: an Historical Perspectives

Francesca Fauri

In line with the research and teaching activities carried out at the University of Bologna as holder of a JM chair, this project will enable Prof. Fauri to spread knowledge on EU migration and immigration history both locally and internationally.
The activities foreseen in the three years include research, teaching and the organisation of several events (conferences, seminars, study visits, training courses) and outputs (website, book, DVD, brochures) aimed at enhancing knowledge on EU migration history (outgoing and incoming) in the academic context and among civil society.
Research will focus on the history of migration within the EU countries, but also on the history of the immigration movements and the role of the second generation of immigrants in European societies. Through the chair, an historical investigation will be carried out in this direction, involving at different levels and stages, BA, MA, Phd students and several internationally renown  professors.

This action aims at spreading knowledge about EU migration and immigration movements, their role and economic effects on European countries and the challenges Europe will have to confront with in the future. The issues will be analysed both at academic and civil society level, offering an interdisciplinary approach. Moreover given the  importance of the theme of research, an impact on the international academic community is envisaged.

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