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Jean Monnet Module

The European Union Immigration Law

Marco Borraccetti

This project will provide students and people interested in the field with the opportunity to dwell on the study of the European Law on the Migration taking into consideration also the difference with the freedom of movement of the EU citizens, the different system inside the EU, the dispute on the possibility to grant the national citizenship of a Member State to those people who are born on its territory and whose parents are nationals of a third country and the intricacy of its standing in a complex and interdependent world.
However, rather than offering an overall picture, the goal is to focus on the measures governing the entrance and the refusal of entry of the non-EU citizens and their compatibility with the respect of fundamental rights. Particular attention will be placed on the international agreements concluded by the EU and/or the Member States with third countries.
The history of the Union competences on immigration is convoluted; based on intergovernmental basis, over the years the immigration policy has assumed greater importance, until the ordinary legislative procedure with the Treaty of Lisbon.
The immigration policy is a very sensitive issue for the Member States and influences many areas from economic to security, where the latter seems to prevail.
The in-depth analysis of the evolution of the different aspects caracterising this type of policy will serve as an important tool to understand the future development of the EU and its integration, also in the name of a “European identity”.
The aim is to conduct research and disseminate knowledge through teaching activities,organization of events (conferences, seminars), a website, publications, which will enhance the general awareness on the topic both in the academic context and among civil society.
Given the contentious and overlapping issues that will be debated, the impact envisaged is likely to be high and broad, reaching out to a wide range of interlocutors at different level of specialization.

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