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Alessandra Bitumi

Curriculum Vitae


November 2007 – November 2010
PhD in History of European Integration, University of Pavia, Italy. Dissertation title: “The European Union Visitors Program: Public Diplomacy in the Transatlantic Crisis of the ‘70s.  In search of a European Identity”.

September 2004 - March 2007
MA Degree in International and Diplomatic Studies, University of Bologna, Facoltà di Scienze Politiche R. Ruffilli Forlì campus: 110/110 cum laude. Dissertation title: “The bullet and the ballot: la storia d’Irlanda tra guerra e politica”.

September 2001- July 2004
BA Degree in International and Diplomatic Studies at the University of Bologna, Facoltà di Scienze Politiche R. Ruffilli Forlì campus: 110/110 cum laude. Dissertation title: “La dottrina Bush e la guerra al terrore: implicazioni e reazioni da parte della comunità internazionale”; Supervisor Professor Giuliana Laschi.


2011-2012 - onwards:
Teaching in Jean Monnet Module "The European Integration Process and the transatlantic relationship" at the Faculty of Political Sciences "R. Ruffilli" of Forlì.

November 2010 – April 2011
Fulbright-Schuman Fellowship.
Public Policy Scholar, History and Public Policy Program, Woodrow Wilson International Center, Washington DC.

March 2010-April 2012
PRIN 2008, “Autodeterminazione e sovranità. Il percorso storico dell’Europa orientale fra eredità del passato, federazioni socialiste, dissoluzione e ruolo esterno dell’UE”, Resarch Unit: Bologna.; Head of Unit: Prof. S. Bianchini.

May 2009                    
Eisenhower Travel Grant awarded by the Eisenhower Presidential Library for research at the Eisenhower Library, Abilene, Kansas

March 2008 – June 2010
Fondazione Cassa dei Risparmi di Forlì; research project: “Una borghesia di provincia/2, 1910-1955”; Heads of research: Prof. P. Hertner; G. Quagliariello.

November 2007 – November 2010                    
PhD Scholarship awarded by the University of Pavia

January-March 2006     
Fellowship awarded by the University of Bologna, Forlì campus, for MA thesis research in Northern Ireland


October-December 2009
Visiting Research Scholar at New York University, NYC.
May 2009
Eisenhower Library, Abilene, Kansas.
April 2009
Archived historiques de la Commission Européenne, Bruxelles.
December 2008
CARDOC, Centre Archivistique et Documentaire du Parlement Européen, Luxembourg;
-Secreatariat of the European Union Visitors Program, Bruxelles
March 2008
Historical Archives of the European Union, Florence
February 2008
CARDOC, Centre Archivistique et Documentaire du Parlement Européen, Luxembourg
July 2007
Historical Archives of the European Union, Florence


Bitumi, “The European Integration Process and the Transatlantic Relations”, Il Mulino, Bologna, forthcoming (2011).
A Bitumi, “Obama e il vecchio continente: storia di un cambiamento”, Imago Europae, anno III, n. 8,October-December 2009.
Bitumi, “Il Parlamento Europeo nella crisi transatlantica”, in A. Bitumi, G. D’Ottavio, G. Laschi ( edited by), La Comunità Europea e le relazioni esterne 1957-1992, Bologna, CLUEB, pp. 65-85.


May 2007 onwards
Punto Europa-Europe Direct Forlì
Assistance to the Chair of the Scientific Committee; Prof. Giuliana Laschi

February- March 2010
Università libera Giulietta Masina e Federico Fellini, Rimini.
Lecturer in History of International Relations

December 2008
Associazione Universitaria di Studi Europei (AUSE)
            Support to research activity for the project “Gli studenti universitari italiani e l’Unione Europea: conoscenza, percezione e aspettative”.
November 2007
Alma Mater Studiorum – Dipartimento di Scienze Economiche
Editing of the book: : P. Battilani, D. Strangio, “Il turismo e le città tra XVIII e XXI secolo. Italia e Spagna a confronto”, published by Francoangeli, Milano, 2007

Alma Mater Studiorum – Università degli studi di Bologna, Facoltà di Scienze Politiche R. Ruffilli di Forlì
Assistant to the Jean Monnet Chair of Professor Giuliana Laschi.

May 2007
Alma Mater Studiorum – Università degli studi di Bologna, Polo Scientifico
Editing of the book: G. Laschi, M. Telò, “Europa potenza civile o entità in declino?”, Il Mulino, Bologna, 2007
November 2005-May 2006
Europe Direct Punto Europa, Diaz, 45, 47100 Forlì
Lecturer on History of European Integration at middle and high schools.

September- December 2006
Permanent Mission of Italy to the United Nations in New York, 2 United Nations Plaza, 10017 New York
MAE-CRUI Traineeship. Attending Sessions of the General Assembly, writing reports; participating at informal meetings negotiating draft resolutions. Research activity.

Since January 2009
AUSE, Associazione Universitaria Studi Europei


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