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The European integration process in the eyes of others: historical perspectives, 1952-1992

Sala Gandolfi, Palazzo Orsi Mangelli
Friday 11 - saturday 12 march 2011


Friday, 11th March 2011 – Sala Gandolfi

8.30-9.00  - Registration

9.00-9.15 - Opening: Giuliana Laschi, Jean Monnet Chair, University of Bologna

9.15-10.00 - Federico Romero, European University Institute
Keynote Lecture. In memoriam: A. Milward

10.00-11.30 - Panel I Perspectives on the enlargements: meaning, shortcomings and achievements.

A. Kristoffersen, University of Oslo 
Organised opposition to EC membership in Norway 1970-72. The “People’s Movement Against the EC” and “The Labour Movement’s Information Committee”

F. Leikam, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, Munich
A Refined System. The CAP, Commonwealth Sugar and Britain’s Entry into the European Community, 1970-75

S. A. da Silva Rodrigues, IPRI-UNL (Portuguese Institute for International Relations - New University of Lisbon)
Further enlargement after the crisis?

Discussant: Dr. Giuliano Garavini, St. John's University (Rome Campus)

11.30-11.45 - Coffee break                                 

11.45-13.15 - Panel II The European Discourse in national and
                      Community spaces.

M. Carbonell, FNR, CERE Luxembourg
The Systematic Adoption of a Pro-European Discourse by the European High Officials in Question: their Vision of Europe Before Being Appointed to the European Institutions (1952-1967)

P. Pitchler, University of Graz
The Austrians’ View on European Integration: A (Hi)Story of a Relationship 1945 to 1995

B.C. Shaev, University of Pittsburgh
Two Unions, One Future? Black African Deputies Debate European Integration in the French National Assembly,1949-1957

Discussant: Dr. Cristina Blanco Sío-López, Centre Virtuel de la Connaissance sur l’Europe (CVCE)

13.15-15.00 - Lunch

15.00-17.00 - Panel III “Views from the blocs”: the European
                      integration process in the Cold War perspective.

G. Bentivoglio, University of Padua
The first enlargement in superpowers’ eyes: the British case

I. Obadić, University of Zagreb
Yugoslavia and European Community (1957-1991)

A. Romano, Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, European University Institute
EC’s (informal) relations with the Soviet bloc countries in the long 1970s

D. Scarabelli, University College London
To what extent has the American project of installing an antimissile shield on European territory affected the integration process of the EU?

Discussant: Prof. Federico Romero, European University Institute

Saturday, 12th March – Sala Gandolfi

9.30 -11.00 - Panel IV The European Community from the outside: perspectives from Latin America, Japan and Turkey.

C. Blanco Sío-López, Centre Virtuel de la Connaissance sur l’Europe (CVCE)
The Postcolonial Heritage of EU External Relations: the historical evolution of Latin America’s perception of the European Communities 1957-1992

H. Suzuki, Faculty of International Studies and Regional Development, University of Niigata Prefecture, Japan and Keio Jean Monnet Centre for EU Studies (Tokyo, Japan)
How the Common Foreign Trade Policy was Implemented in Japan - EC Relations after Solving the Trade Conflict 1957-1992

Y. Özer, Marmara University European Union Institute
Relations with Turkey as an Initial Case of Association Relations of the European Integration

Discussant: Prof.ssa Francesca Fauri, University of Bologna

11.00-11-15 - Coffee Break

11.15-12.30 - Roundtable

Concluding Remarks: Dr. Alessandra Bitumi, Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, Washington DC, Organizer




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