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Mario Telò (ed.), European Union and New Regionalism, Aldershot, Ashgate, 2001

Presentato l'8 maggio 2002


Stemming from an international and multidisciplinary network of leading specialists, this text situates the European Community/European Union (EC/EU) and its external relations in the framework of the development of different forms of regional arrangements, within the globalized world of the 21st century.

Features include:
- A distinctive collection of original contributions by established scholars providing the reader with a comparative analysis of regional arrangements
- Vigorous response to conventional wisdom on EU international identity
- Explores the key issues of regionalism versus globalization and the potential for world economic and political governance through regionalism

These features make the book a key resource for postgraduate or undergraduate study and research of international relations, European studies, comparative politics and international political economy.

Introduction: globalization, new regionalism and the role of the Europens Union, Mario Teló. Theoretical Perspectives: Regional blocs, world order and the new medievalism, Andrew Gamble; Political economy of the new regionalism and World governance, Pier Carlo Padoan; The cultural factor in the process of globalization/regionalization, Thomas Meyer. Comparative Analysis of Regional Groupings: Between trade regionalization and deep integration, Mario Teló; The European Union and NAFTA, Alberta M. Sbragia; Comparison of European and South East Asian integration, Kjell A. Eliassen and Catherine Borve Monsen; The European Union and MERCOSUR, Alvaro Vasconcelos; African regionalism and the SADC, Carolyn Jenkins and Lynne Thomas. The European Union as a New Civilian Power in the Making: The European Union and the challenges of the near abroad, Mario Teló; European Union and Eastern Europe, Reimund Seidelmann; The European Union and The Mediterranean, George Howard Joffé; Europe – super power or a Scandinavia of the world?, Goran Therborn. Reconsiderations: three scenarios, Mario Teló. Appendix: List of regional and interregional arrangements, Sebastian Santander; Planispheres, Pablo Medina Lockhart; Bibliography; Index.

Mario Telò è professore di "Scienza politica" all'Université Libre de Bruxelles e Research Director presso l'Institute of Sociology e presso l'Institute of European Studies. È editore di tre giornali internazionali, Europa/Europe (Roma), Transition (Bruxelles) e Journal of European Integration (Essex), è titolare di una Cattedra Jean Monnet e offre la sua consulenza alla Presidenza dell'Unione europea e alla Commissione europea. Tra le sue opere più recenti ricordiamo: De Maastricht à Amsterdam, l'Europe et son nouveau traité (Complexe, 1998), Démocratie et construction européenne (Editions de l'Université de Bruxelles, 1995).

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